1804 Miller St. Orange Park, FL 32073
At Acts2 Church…
We are not re-inventing church we are merely attempting to bring it back. The first church was not about just sitting and listening to the Word of God. It was much bigger than that. It was about being a part of people’s lives.
It has become far too easy to get lost in the church. Many of our people no longer wanted to be just a face in the Sunday morning crowd. They wanted to be a part of something personal. Something that would have others actually care about them.
Others at Acts2 have felt as though the “church” had done them wrong in the past. Our desire is to show people that the church can be a safe, non-judgmental place made up of people just trying to serve God the best they can.
So, if you’re looking for a place that is not ashamed to preach the whole Word of God, where you can be known personally, restore or begin a church relationship – come see us at Acts2.
Pastor Tub